

Aliases: -commands -h -how -command 
Args: command 
Shows help about all or one specific command


Responds with bot information


Responds with bot invite link

Tools & Utilities


Args: Server-ID 
Shows command prefix of the current server, or the specified server


Aliases: -c -calculate 
Args: Expression 
Calculator 2+2=5


Aliases: -ce 
Args: Json 
Creates an embed from what you give it in json form:


Aliases: -se 
A more simpler version of CustomEmbed, controlled completely using switches. You can edit existing messages by supplying the `-message` flag.


Aliases: -ctime -gettime 
Args: Zone Offset 
Shows current time in different timezones. [Available timezones](


List roles, their id's, color hex code, and 'mention everyone' perms (useful if you wanna double check to make sure you didn't give anyone mention everyone perms that shouldn't have it)


Args: Topic Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Option5 Option6 Option7 Option8 Option9 Option10 
Create very simple reaction poll. Example: `poll "favorite color?" blue red pink`


Aliases: -ud 
Views the first 10 recent deleted messages. By default, only the current user's deleted messages will show.


Shows server stats (if public stats are enabled)


Aliases: -cc 
Args: ID Name-Or-Trigger 
Shows a custom command specified by id, trigger, or name, or lists them all


Args: code 
executes custom command code (up to 1k characters)


Aliases: -log 
Args: Count 
Creates a log of the last messages in the current channel.


Aliases: -whoami 
Args: User 
Shows information about a user


Aliases: -nn 
Args: User 
Shows past nicknames of a user.


Aliases: -unames -un 
Args: User 
Shows past usernames of a user.


Reset your past usernames/nicknames.


Aliases: -remind -reminder 
Args: Time Message 
Schedules a reminder, example: 'remindme 1h30min are you still alive?'


Lists your active reminders


Aliases: -channelreminders 
Lists reminders in channel, only users with 'manage channel' permissions can use this.


Aliases: -rmreminder 
Args: ID 
Deletes a reminder. You can delete reminders from other users provided you are running this command in the same guild the reminder was created in and have the Manage Channel permission in the channel the reminder was created in.


Args: Role 
Toggle a role on yourself or list all available roles, they have to be set up in the control panel first, under 'rolecommands'


Aliases: -setz -tzset 
Args: Timezone 
Sets your timezone, used for various purposes such as auto conversion. Give it your country.


Aliases: -toggletconv -ttc 
Args: flags 
Toggles automatic time conversion for people with registered timezones (setz) in this channel, it's on by default, toggle all channels by giving it `all`



Aliases: -df -define -urban -urbandictionary 
Args: Topic 
Look up an urban dictionary definition, default paginated view.


Aliases: -w 
Args: Where 
Shows the weather somewhere


Generates a conversation topic to help chat get moving.


Aliases: -cf -cat -catfacts 
Cat Facts


Generates a dad joke using the API from icanhazdadjoke.


Aliases: -dog -dogfacts 
Dog Facts


Args: What 
Don't be afraid to ask for advice!


Args: Target 
Throwing things is cool.


Args: Sides RPG-Dice 
Roll dices, specify nothing for 6 sides, specify a number for max sides, or rpg dice syntax.


Aliases: -wyr 
Get presented with 2 options.


Args: Comic-number 
An xkcd comic, by default returns random comic strip


Aliases: -hltb 
Args: Game-Title 
Game information based on query from Results are sorted by popularity, it's their default. Without -p returns the first result. Switch -p gives paginated output using the Jaro-Winkler similarity metric sorting max 20 results.


Aliases: -insp 
Args: Season 
Shows 'inspirational' quotes from


Aliases: -Money 
Args: Amount From To 
💱 convert value from one currency to another.


Aliases: -insult 
Args: Target 
Sends a random roast


Args: What-to-ask 


Args: Skip 
Responds with the top 20 servers I'm on


Aliases: -- -tr -trep --rep 
Args: User Num 
Takes away rep from someone


Aliases: -+ -gr -grep -+rep 
Args: User Num 
Gives rep to someone


Aliases: -SetRepID 
Args: User Num 
Sets someones rep, this is an admin command and bypasses cooldowns and other restrictions.


Args: User 
Deletes someone from the reputation list completely, this cannot be undone.


Aliases: -replogs 
Args: User Page 
Shows the rep log for the specified user.


Args: User 
Shows yours or the specified users current rep and rank


Args: Page 
Shows rep leaderboard on the server

Debug & Maintenance


Shows the latency from the bot to the discord servers.


Args: target 
Shows you or the target's permissions in this channel


Shows the top games on this server


Responds with state debug info


Args: hours 
Shows command usage stats


Args: shard 
Shows gateway event processing stats for all or one shard


Aliases: -cshard 
Args: serverid 
Shows the current shard this server is on (or the one specified)


Args: guildid 
Returns whether the specified guild is unavailable or not


Aliases: -status 
Shows yagpdb status, version, uptime, memory stats, and so on


Returns count of autorole assignments currently being processed



Aliases: -banid 
Args: User Duration Reason 
Bans a member, specify number of days of messages to delete with -ddays (0 to 7)


Aliases: -unbanid 
Args: User Reason 
Unbans a user. Reason requirement is same as ban command setting.


Args: User Reason 
Kicks a member


Args: User Duration Reason 
Mutes a member


Args: User Reason 
Unmutes a member


Aliases: -to 
Args: User Duration Reason 
Timeout a member


Aliases: -untimeout -cleartimeout -deltimeout -rto 
Args: User Reason 
Removes a member's timeout


Args: User Reason 
Reports a member to the server's staff


Aliases: -clear -cl 
Args: Num User 
Delete the last number of messages from chat, optionally filtering by user, max age and regex or ignoring pinned messages.


Args: Message-ID Reason 
Add/Edit a modlog reason


Args: User Reason 
Warns a user, warnings are saved using the bot. Use -warnings to view them.


Aliases: -Warns 
Args: User Page 
Lists warning of a user.


Args: Id NewMessage 
Edit a warning, id is the first number of each warning from the warnings command


Aliases: -dw -delwarn -deletewarning 
Args: Id 
Deletes a warning, id is the first number of each warning from the warnings command


Aliases: -clw 
Args: User 
Clears the warnings of a user


Aliases: -topwarns 
Args: Page 
Shows ranked list of warnings on the server


Aliases: -grole -arole -addrole 
Args: User Role Duration 
Gives a role to the specified member, with optional expiry


Aliases: -rrole -takerole -trole 
Args: User Role 
Removes the specified role from the target


Aliases: -r -list -l 
Lists all rulesets and their status


Aliases: -t 
Args: Ruleset-Name 
Toggles a ruleset on/off


Aliases: -log 
Args: Page 
Shows the log of the last triggered automod rules, optionally filtering by user


Aliases: -Violations -ViolationLogs -VLogs -VLog 
Args: User Page-Number 
Lists Violations of specified user old flag posts oldest violations in first page ( from oldest to newest ).


Aliases: -ViolationsCount -VCount 
Args: User 
Lists Violations summary in entire server or of specified user optionally filtered by max violation age. Specify number of violations to skip while fetching using -skip flag ; max entries fetched 500


Aliases: -DelViolation -DelV -DV 
Args: ID 
Deletes a Violation with the specified ID. ID is the first number of each Violation in the ListViolations command.


Aliases: -ClearV -ClrViolations -ClrV 
Args: User Violation-Name 
Clears Violations of specified user (or global if User ID = 0 or unspecified) optionally filtered by Name, Min/Max age and other conditions. By default, more recent violations are preferentially cleared. Maximum of 2000 can be cleared at a time.



Aliases: -c 
Args: Group 
Set up a role menu.


Aliases: -rm 
Args: Message-ID 
Removes a rolemenu from a message.


Aliases: -u 
Args: Message-ID 
Updates a rolemenu, toggling the provided flags and adding missing options, aswell as updating the order.


Aliases: -reset 
Args: Message-ID 
Removes all reactions on the specified menu message and re-adds them.


Aliases: -edit 
Args: Message-ID 
Allows you to reassign the emoji of an option, tip: use ResetReactions afterwards.


Aliases: -finish 
Args: Message-ID 
Marks the menu as done.


Aliases: -list -groups 
Lists all role groups


-ticket Open

Aliases: -ticket create -ticket new -ticket make 
Args: subject 
Opens a new ticket

-ticket AddUser

Args: target 
Adds a user to the ticket in this channel

-ticket RemoveUser

Args: target 
Removes a user from the ticket

-ticket Rename

Args: new-name 
Renames the ticket

-ticket Close

Aliases: -ticket end -ticket delete 
Args: reason 
Closes the ticket

-ticket AdminsOnly

Aliases: -ticket adminonly -ticket ao 
Toggle admins only mode for this ticket


-event Create

Aliases: -event new -event make 
Creates an event, You will be led through an interactive setup

-event Edit

Args: ID 
Edits an event

-event List

Aliases: -event ls 
Lists all events in this server

-event Delete

Aliases: -event rm -event del 
Args: ID 
Deletes an event, specify the event ID of the event you wanna delete

-event StopSetup

Aliases: -event cancelsetup 
Force cancels the current setup session in this channel